Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Google, orkut, MySpace, YouTube, Blogger, blogspot

900 million bucks for My Space? Yeah! That's peanuts for Google

Let's say you have heard or read about Blogger and blogspot. They host your blog for free, and are fairly simple to use. So you start your blog, learn how to insert photos, learn a few basic HTML tags: bold, italic, underline.

In time you learn to link, to establish tags, and categories within your blog. You join Technorati. You find out WordPress kicks major behind. You'd like to have it along with Movable Type. Not within Blogspot or Blogger. You may have a limited version, with a dot com.

As you have started blogging you keep in touch with a few bloggers. One of them is the son of a preacher man, a smooth operator, someone who really knows how to work on your kindness. You give him money. He keeps his sizable group of bullying fans at bay. One day you stop giving money. The harassment of these lawless bullies starts all over again.

He'd invited you several times to take part in his board. You went, maybe you were curious, maybe you wanted to see how the kids spoke, maybe you wanted to fit in. Intolerance greets you. Remember how Americans are hated right now.

One day you get fed up. You write the Son of a Preacher Man to control the kids. He posts your mail on the board. That night he opens two topics about you. The next morning there are five topics on you. One group is studying your blog to shut it down.

You report incidents in which you were attacked in your civil rights plus all the infringements of TOS to Invision. They are all laughing. Surprise, the board and all subsequent others are shut.

Your nighmare begins. Hate mail, threats--fake-- of lawsuits for copyright infringement. Contact with imageshack and two other photohosting companies to bring down grotesque porn montages off the Net. Videos cussing you on You Tube.

Can we have fun now ? What does Google do about all this? Google puts you on hold. Google is the parent company of blogger, blogspot and orkut, the Brazilian "myspace." My profile in orkut was defiled. I was defamed, and all possible crimes that belong in a civil court happened to me.

I got the phone number of Google's David Drummond, the vice-president and legal advisor to Google. I got the fax number of their legal department. The lawyer I got told me that is the way they are. See nothing, hear nothing, do nothing. And now that they sent 900 million bucks towards MySpace, why bother?

I heard MySpace had a few problems. I'll be navigating it and will tell you all about it. I know You Tube changed its rules regarding property of the clips. Right now it's off while they fix things.

Well, Daddy Google, one day you'll go down. I'll just wait. I'll be sitting pretty, in the catbird seat, as James Thurber once wrote.

Brazil? It's just a huge banana republic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's really a bunch of crappola, Tina. You'd think you would have more recourse with Google, and not just get the run-around. That's why I never mention my partners name ever. There are just too many psychopaths in the world, and she has enough troubles without being the target of bullies.

Have you tried writing to anyone other than the legal counsel? From experience, I know sometimes that position is sort of a gateway, and not much gets through. Circumventing and contacting CEOs and people with titles like:
VP and Chief Internet Evangelist (Vinton G. (Vint) Cerf ) sometimes work better, especially if your story is compelling, like yours is.

If you have access to Hoovers, there is full corporate information listed there, probably at other places too (like Yahoo).