Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yosemite: a National Treasure

The people who compare California to a bowl of cereal: nuts, fruits, and flakes, forget we are the seventh gross domestic product in the world. Californians have resisted fiercely any change in laws that protect our seven national parks. Their variety ranges from mountains covered with snow to Joshua Tree, yeah that Joshua Tree sung by U2.

Why would I need to move elsewhere? Except for water and independence, we have everything, all types of foods, the Industry, Silicon Valley with both Steve Jobs and Daddy Google.

Did I forget to mention sunshine all year around?

Photo gently authorized for this blog by the Adams family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've long wanted to visit Yosemite as an adult. Last time I was there, I was 2 years old.

I do love California for lots of reasons, but don't see myself living there anytime soon.