Thursday, August 10, 2006

Get Well Soon, Steve Jobs!

My heart was broken when I watched a bit of the World Wide Developers' Conference promoted by Apple every year. Steve Jobs looks very ill. Thin and listless. I posted about him yesterday in my Brazilian language blog. Today there were comments made by young men, confessing they were on the verge of tears, also having watched WWDC on

The first computers I used were black screen with yellow or green letters. My husband taught me how to use a language he favored at the time, Latec. Later, a professor lent me an original Macintosh. I never looked back to use another type of computer. Mac after Mac, I hoped for the success of the company. Steve Jobs is a hard worker. He demands no less than excellence.

I remember watching the anouncement he made for Mac OX. It was fascinating to see the translucid buttons, green to expand the screen, yellow to throw it to the bottom of the screen and red to close it. The drag here or there was kick-ass simple and creative.

The iPod, well, I don't care about having one. I understand the fascination about it. all the i-this or i-that are cool. Cool is the word for Apple.

I wish you well, Steve Jobs, an icon of creativity and work ethics, a role model for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope we are just reading too much into Mr. Jobs appearance. Perhaps the stock options troubles are worse than the media is reporting?

As far as the iPod - I bought the first model, and loved it. Since then, have regifted that one, and bought others. Great for biking, great for air travel, great for road trips (don't have the problem with figuring out what CDs to bring), etc. Would feel naked, almost, without one.